
Is a powerful entity… but what’s strongest?…

Love brings happiness, well-being.

Hate… threatens to rip the soul apart

What if things could be different? What if people could extinguish hate, with love.

An ugly monster called hate appears, and all around the entity, life is sapped. All that’s living slowly wilts in its wake. Sucking all goodness to help it exist.

That’s pretty powerful.

But what about those who’ve experienced hate to the extreme? Who have been beaten, worn down. Sapped. Every time the monster is gone, we regenerate. But then our minds remind us of the monster… reminds us of how we lost our emotional strength… replays all the hurt back to us… a living memory.

It’s a cycle… but what’s the cure? Dopamine? Medication? Meditation? Is it a permanent cure? Or will out minds always reflect back on the pain we felt?

Some people try so hard, can you imagine being in the spotlight? Hundreds, thousands, millions… maybe billions of eyes looking at every move you make?

Media steps in with headlines, shock tactics, clickbait… making people read. How much is fact? How much of it is hate? How much is actually love?

Do articles ever contain “love”?

Life is about balance… and it’s the details we miss. What if media was at least equal balance of love and hate?

Facts are a two sided coin, can be taken either way… love, or hate. We’re encouraged to hate.

But those scorned? We love even through the hate. When the monster comes by and starts sapping… when depression visits to remind us… what do we do then? To achieve balance? We have to go through a personal journey to find out how. Everyones recovery is different.

Those who give up, feed the monster. People suffer if they love you and you’re gone. They get sapped… they get depression.

How do we stop feeding the monster? Fairytales require magic… but what if magic is a kids way of saying ‘love’. They say love conquers all?

Although I don’t feel I deserve the air i breath, i will always give love, because I know the pain of hate. I empathise. If i can bring happiness and well-being to another person, it’s the greatest reward of all!

Turn tears into smiles. Turn hate into love. Turn despair into hope. Can we do this? Can we at least try? Chains of love, open-mindedness, and respect?

Consider when you hate something? Try imagining something else instead… using different words, or expressions? Dislike? Have a think. Let’s make the world worth being here for, for everyone.

Equality, open-mindedness, love, empathy, understanding. Through this, we’ll all get stronger. Lets make a difference.

Katie Palmer
30 Sept 2021